Wednesday, May 20, 2020

May 20 - how time flies!

It's been a little rainy, so not much new is getting done.

I got a cart that will eventually be used to follow me around the ground to hold my "stuff" - hand tools, water, phone, etc.  Right now, it's been used to move the tomatoes in and out of the garage until the nights get warm.

Monday is "spring cleaning pick up" day - we get to put out 6 bags/barrels of "stuff" that will be picked up with our normal garbage day tipping.  So far...I have two bags and one barrel.

Raised Beds

The goal for the week is to get the walkways raked and weed free.

So far I have one bed cleaned and this week will start to add amendments.


Blank Spots for Containers

The goal for the week

 ___ get the additional bubblers in the new trees so they'll get watered with the established trees.

___ apply fungicide to the apple trees.

___ thin as many apples as I can reach.

___ Trim trees in the orchard proper so I don't put my eye out.



Panoramic of Orchard from Southeast Corner








Goal for the week

___ get the bubblers/drip line in the patio plants

___ rubbermaid container with pole beans and squash (save for Saturday when nights are warming)

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