Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Indoor Gardening (class by University of Nevada Extension Office)

 This Zoom class is one of about eight that is normally given in person at the Bartley Ranch in Washoe Valley.  I signed in with both my PC and my iPad and took screen shots of the power point slides (so I can go back and compare with the notes.

Year-round gardening in possible and a "pot to plate" ethos is a good thing.

- Indoor food food gardening requires 12 hours of bright light (or supplement)

We have lots of ideas for lighting, including grow lights, growing in a bright window, etc.

- grow what you'll actually eat


basil (purple and green)
shiso (green, red, britain)


"picking" (leaf) lettuce (such as romaine - freckles)
and micro greens

other veggies and stuff

  •  icebox watermelon

  • bush tomatoes

    peppers (sweet or hot)



    Grow microgreens  

    - can use recycled food plastic

    - cocoa coir

    - progression planting (for lettuce, too!)

    What I think I want

    We have this crazy hole in our kitchen counter that has a drop-in compost bucket (I compost, but don't use the in-counter bucket).  I want a hydroponic kit for the kitchen counter.
    Here are some screen shots of the slides





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