Saturday, May 4, 2024

Orchard Status, May 2024.


Orchard Notes: May, 2024.

So…I’m caring for a few trees that have *NEVER* given fruit. I have three dead trees. I want pears.

Here are my notes for the spring status –

this chart is for the main orchard, facing south.

Cherry – alive with blossoms (this is a young tree)

Cherry – has leaves but no blossoms. This tree has a massive clump of ornamental grass that I’d like to get rid of


Cherry – dead.

Maybe Plum? Lots of leaves but no blossoms. I think that in five years I’ve gotten one plum



I don’t know what this tree is. But it has blossoms this year.

Apricot. In 2023 we had crazy amounts of fruit, this year it had early blossoms but with the cold coming up may not have fruit

Maybe Plum? Has leaves, no blossoms.





Apricot. In 2023 we had crazy amounts of fruit, this year it had early blossoms but with the cold coming up may not have fruit

Old pear tree, root stock is sending up tree, but it needs to go.



Cherry – has a lot of blossoms

Cannot plant here because of the electrical christy box.

Young-ish cherry, has blossoms








Next up, the Apples – they all look good, blossom-wise this year. Numbered, starting from the back of the property.

1.Small tree, not so many blossoms this year.

2.lots of blossoms, keep an eye on the irrigation

3.This tree lost a lot of limbs last year. Irrigation is problematic, since the water tends to run into the dry beds.

4.The best looking tree, plenty of blossoms.